As we navigate the shorter days of daylight saving time, it becomes increasingly crucial to understand and prepare for...
Axiom Medical News
Keeping the Air Clean: Managing Workplace Respiratory Viruses
Managing workplace respiratory viruses can be a challenging endeavor. Last year, we battled the ‘tripledemic’ threat...
In Harm’s Way: Common Injuries Among Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare professionals are exposed to various dangers, from infectious diseases to workplace violence. One...
The Hidden Dangers of High-Functioning Anxiety in the Workplace
Anxiety affects millions of people in the United States alone and can manifest in different ways. For some...
Clocking the Cost: 8 Consequences of Long Patient Wait Times
In a fast-paced world of convenience, do you ever think about how long we as patients wait to receive healthcare? Have...
Imposter Syndrome: Fraud or the Real McCoy?
In the workplace, you may not feel good enough, even when you're successful. This phenomenon is called imposter...
September’s Focus on Suicide Awareness: Startling Workplace Statistics
One hundred twenty-three suicides per day. One death every twelve minutes. Suicide is a deeply concerning public...
New OSHA Recordkeeping Rule Raises Brows & Public Sentiment
In our most recent webinar, ‘Who’s to Blame for Sprains and Strains?’ we asked our audience how they felt about the...
OSHA Recordable vs Reportable Incident Reporting
Discover the key differences between OSHA recordable and reportable incidents in our latest blog post. Stay compliant and informed.
8 Effective Ways to Prevent Strains & Sprains at Work
Strains and sprains, the most common workplace injuries, can result from poor posture, improper lifting, and pushing...