Read the latest case study from SpokenHere on how Axiom Medical helped increase foreign language case management by 1650% in one month!
SpokenHere Case Study
“Axiom Medical is a Texas-based medical case management organization, providing complete occupational health services for the total life cycle of its clients’ employees. In April 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Axiom recognized an immediate need for contagious respiratory illness assessments and developed a Rapid Response solution to screen employees who were experiencing symptoms or had exposure to an infectious disease, and, for confirmed cases, manage any subsequent absence from and safe return to work. Axiom saw its foreign language medical case management load increase by 1650% in the first month after signing one of the largest U.S. food producers as a client. SpokenHere’s remote interpreting service team played a vital role, facilitating effective communication in 65 languages, and easily handled the increased demand while maintaining an extremely high level of quality and service.”
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Jason is the marketing manager at Axiom Medical. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Instagram here, here and here.
Find out more about our Injury Case Management services or our Occupational Health Programs.