Cannabis. Marijuana. Weed. Grass. It’s a drug that goes by many names because it has millions of users. According to a...
Axiom Medical News
Gray Areas of Green: The Marijuana Conversation No Employer Should Ignore
Marijuana. From the late 1930’s to the mid 1990’s, it was essentially illegal across the United States. But the legal...
Navigating the Haze: The Employer’s Guide to Marijuana in the Workplace
How do employers navigate the complex challenge of marijuana in the workplace as its legalization spreads? The...
The Evolving Landscape of Workplace Substance Policies
In a world where workplace safety intersects with legal obligations and employee well-being, an employer's role is...
Hot Topic: Cannabis and the Workplace
116 questions in 60 minutes… that was the takeaway after our free webinar discussing cannabis and the workplace, “New...
CBD Oil in The Workplace – Dos, and Don’ts
Is CBD oil in the workplace even allowed? This new widely hyped elixir has been in the news for some time now, and...
Seven Secret Signs Of Workplace Substance Abuse
Do you know that there are 6 million reported active cases of workplace substance abuse in the USA? In fact, clinical...
Should You Allow Cannabidiol in the Workplace?
Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD oil, has been called everything from the "miracle drug" to a drug testing...
Kratom Craze: Miracle Med or Safety Curse
Touted as a natural supplement that combats fatigue, improves work productivity, while relieving pain and providing a...
Prevent Workplace Overdoses with Drug Testing
Drug abuse is an increasing problem across the U.S. From 1999 to 2017, the number of drug overdose deaths rose from...