It used to be that if you showed up high on the job, you were terminated on the spot. It was clean and simple for...
Axiom Medical News
Will You Detect Edible Marijuana Before It Causes An Injury?
As an employer, you want to trust that when employees arrive for work each day, they are presenting their “best self”....
Injury Rise Per Industry – Your 2019 Guide
Every organization will be impacted by employee injury. As the employer, you'll be hit financially with direct medical...
Drug Deterrence: Expect the Unexpected
With one in six on-the-job fatalities being associated with drug and alcohol, I think it’s safe to say, we all agree...
New OSHA Changes – Safety Incentive and Post Incident Testing Approved!
At last, new guidance has been issued by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regarding safety...
Do You Know How The Reasonable Suspicion Process Works?
Have you ever had a hunch an employee was under the influence of drugs or alcohol but you weren't quite sure how to...