Have you ever wondered how a robust mental health crisis plan can be a critical lifeline for today's workforce?...
Axiom Medical News
Case Study: Successful Mental Health Crisis Intervention at Work
Mental health in the workplace is not a new concern, but it is a subject that demands constant attention, evolution,...
The Role of Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace
Mental health has emerged as not just a footnote in the employee care manual but a critical chapter rewriting how we...
Navigating the Haze: The Employer’s Guide to Marijuana in the Workplace
How do employers navigate the complex challenge of marijuana in the workplace as its legalization spreads? The...
The Evolving Landscape of Workplace Substance Policies
In a world where workplace safety intersects with legal obligations and employee well-being, an employer's role is...
Posture Prescription: Pathway to Optimal Health and Wellness
Have you ever considered how your posture could be the secret key to bettering your physical health, emotional...
Adapting to Seasonal Shifts: Time Change, SAD, and Safety
As we navigate the shorter days of daylight saving time, it becomes increasingly crucial to understand and prepare for...
The Hidden Dangers of High-Functioning Anxiety in the Workplace
Anxiety affects millions of people in the United States alone and can manifest in different ways. For some...
Imposter Syndrome: Fraud or the Real McCoy?
In the workplace, you may not feel good enough, even when you're successful. This phenomenon is called imposter...
September’s Focus on Suicide Awareness: Startling Workplace Statistics
One hundred twenty-three suicides per day. One death every twelve minutes. Suicide is a deeply concerning public...