Feeling anxious at times is common, but you may suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder when it becomes excessive...
Axiom Medical News
What is The 333 Rule For Anxiety Management?
Anxiety creates racing thoughts that overtake your mind, pushing you further and further into a state of distress. It...
How to Identify Signs of Depression?
Depression is an all-too-common mental health issue today and is much more than an overwhelming sense of sadness. It...
5 Questions to Ask Someone Who is Struggling
While you may realize someone is struggling, you may not know what you can do to help. Mental health is a challenging...
Lyme Disease and Depression – A Personal Story
Studies show that the incidence of Lyme disease in the USA has nearly doubled since 1991. While the disease is...
Post-COVID Neurological Symptoms
In the weeks and months following the COVID-19 infection, patients often continue to experience various neurological...
How Workforce Reduction Can Affect Your Employees’ Mental Health
While no one wants to go through a workforce reduction, all too often, they are necessary today. As a result, the...
How to Create a Solid Work-Life Balance
In 2021, employees experienced a 21% increase in work burnout. If you have been worn down at work, you could be...
The Importance of Resilience in the Workplace
The workplace is an atmosphere that can be challenging and, at times, stressful. Everyday tasks can push even the most...
Why I Remained a Nurse – RN Nichole Ried’s Story
When someone asks me why I became a nurse, I have several simple answers to that question. These answers are easy to...