
Spend less than a minute with Carl and you can immediately see his pride and joy comes from Charlie, his varsity baseball playing grandson.  Carl recites batting averages and game stats as though he were the one playing in the game.

Unfortunately, Carl has to watch the games not from the stands, but from videos his daughter records so that he can remain home with his oxygen tank.

Carl suffers from lung disease, which was diagnosed late in his career, and directly caused by silica exposure while manufacturing brick.

When asked about how he copes with his disease, he says:

“You know, we all have struggles in life, but it’s my family that suffers the most.  We can’t go back in time, but nowadays employers have options for protecting people who perform jobs like I had. 

My hope is that others don’t have to live through the daily struggles with their health that I do.”

This is exactly what Axiom Medical aims to do.

: Protecting Employee Lives

Like Carl, over 2.3 million employees are exposed to silica in the workplace.  Being exposed to silica means they are at risk of developing serious health problems such as:

  • Silicosis – incurable lung disease that can lead to disability and death
  • Lung Cancer
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Kidney Disease

According to the new OSHA respirable crystalline silica standards for construction and general industry/maritime, employees should be tested early and often to detect exposure.

Get Compliant with Just One Call
Axiom offers comprehensive Silica Exams to keep you OSHA compliant, which include:

Silica Questionnaire

Physical Exam

Chest X-ray with “B” Reader TB Skin Test

Respirator Questionnaire

Respiratory Fit Test

Pulmonary Function Test

We Do All The Work So You Don’t Have To.