In case you missed it, on April 20th, 2020 we held our first ever LinkedIn/Facebook Live video. Axiom’s Chuck Kable, Angela L Smith & Holly Foxworth answered some questions we weren’t able to get to in our weekly COVID-19 webinars. Questions ranged from temperatures to legal to masks. If you weren’t able to attend the live Q&A you can view the video below.
Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook. We’ll host a live video every Monday at 1pm CT. Make sure to check our pages above.
Be sure to sign up for our next webinar here: Pandemic Adaptation: Safely Back to Work
- What is the definition of a fever? How often should temperature be checked for a worker with known exposure to COVID-19?
- Is temperature pre-screening essential to reduce the spread of this virus? Should we test everyone?
- Other than a fever, are there other signs or symptoms that would indicate an employee should stay home?
- Any concerns about keeping a record of employees temps & responses to screening questions?
- If we send an employee home with a fever is this considered a recordable illness?
Employee Testing
- Do you recommend having staff take Rapid COVID-19 tests, when they become available?
- On a daily basis, other than taking a persons temperature what other options are available to check an employees condition before they come into work?
Return to Work
- How long after a fever should employees wait until they return to work?
- If a person who had symptoms, presumed positive and is now symptom free, can they still be a carrier and infect others when they return to work?
- With social distancing precautions, what is the distance and amount of time we should be recommending when contact cannot be avoided?
- Does “close contact” include people who may have touched some common surfaces touched by a confirmed COVID-19 positive person?
- Given that an employee just as likely, if not more likely to catch COVID-19 at Walmart or Home Depot, how do you substantiate a “work-place exposure”? Isn’t it a question of likelihood?
- The CDC is recommending facial coverings. As an employer, should we encourage use or require it for both field positions and office staff?
- Would face shields be an acceptable substitute for face masks in situations in which social distancing is not an option?
Check out the video below. Do you have questions you’d like answered in a future video? Drop us a line here:
Live Q&A with Axiom Medical – Previous Unanswered Questions

Jason is the marketing manager at Axiom Medical. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Instagram here, here and here.
Find out more about our Injury Case Management services or our Occupational Health Programs.