
Contagious Illness Surveillance

Did you know that the average person spends about a third of their life at work? That’s a lot of time in close quarters with other people! Unfortunately, this also means that contagious illnesses like the flu or COVID-19 can easily spread from person to person in the workplace.

That’s where contagious illness surveillance comes in. By keeping an eye on the health of employees and tracking any illnesses that pop up, we can take proactive steps to prevent the spread of illness and keep everyone healthy and happy.

Why Contagious Illness Surveillance Matters

Early detection: By tracking illnesses as they appear, we can catch them early and prevent them from spreading to others.

Prevention measures: With early detection, we can put preventative measures in place to stop the spread of illness, like encouraging sick employees to stay home, providing hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes, and increasing cleaning frequency.

Employee health and productivity: When employees are healthy, they’re more productive and engaged in their work.

Cost savings: Contagious illness surveillance can actually save companies money in the long run. By preventing illnesses from spreading, we can reduce the number of sick days taken by employees and avoid costly healthcare expenses.

By working together, we can keep your workplace healthy and happy.

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